module Money::Constructors

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def bitcoin(cents, bank = nil) #

Creates a new Money object of the given value, using the Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

Money.bitcoin(100) # => Money(@amount=0.000001 @currency="BTC")

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def euro(cents, bank = nil) #

Creates a new Money object of the given value, using the Euro currency.

Money.euro(100) # => Money(@amount=1 @currency="EUR")

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def from_amount(amount : Number | String, currency = default_currency, bank = nil) : Money #

Creates a new Money object of value given in the unit of the given currency.

Money.from_amount(23.45, "USD") # => Money(@amount=23.45 @currency="USD")
Money.from_amount(23.45, "JPY") # => Money(@amount=23 @currency="JPY")

See #initialize.

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def us_dollar(cents, bank = nil) #

Creates a new Money object of the given value, using the American dollar currency.

Money.us_dollar(100) # => Money(@amount=1 @currency="USD")

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def zero(currency = default_currency, bank = nil) : Money #

Creates a new Money object with value 0.       # => Money(@amount=0) # => Money(@amount=0 @currency="PLN")

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